Antonsen taber finalen ved Malaysia Open • Ny verdensrangliste!


Antonsen taber i finalen i herresingle ved Malaysia Open Super 1000 med 8-21/15-21 til Shi Yu Qi, Kina.

SYQ var ganske enkelt bare på et niveau højere, og måske lidt mere frisk.

“Jeg var relativ chanceløs” sagde Antonsen bagefter.


🏸 Men’s Singles

Kunlavut Vitidsarn 🇹🇭, Li Shi Feng 🇨🇳, and Kodai Naraoka 🇯🇵 each go up one position.

🏸 Women’s Singles

Han Yue 🇨🇳, Gregoria Mariska Tunjung 🇮🇩 , and Supanida Katethong 🇹🇭 achieve new career highs after #MalaysiaOpen2025.

Ratchanok Intanon 🇹🇭 enters top 15.

🏸 Men’s Doubles

Goh/Izzuddin 🇲🇾 reaches a new career high at #2, while Chen/Liu 🇨🇳 achieves a new career high at #15. Lee/Yang 🇹🇼 is #8.

Popovs 🇫🇷 jump seven spots to #22.

🏸 Women’s Doubles

Baek/Lee 🇰🇷 comes back as WR #1.

3 pairs achieve new career highs in the top 10: Li/Luo 🇨🇳, Kusuma/Pratiwi 🇮🇩, and Jolly/Pullela 🇮🇳.

Hsieh/Hung 🇹🇼 leaps into the top 20.

Mixed Doubles

Puavaranukroh/Paewsampran 🇹🇭 leaps significantly into the Top 35 after #MalaysiaOpen2025.

Chen/Toh 🇲🇾 and Goh/Lai 🇲🇾 achieve new career highs as #3 and #4.

3 pairs in the 10s reaching new career highs: Cheng/Zhang 🇨🇳, Guo/Chen 🇨🇳, Toft/Magelund 🇩🇰.

Danskere i finalen i damesingle og herresingle ved Estonia International!


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