Kristiansand Badminton Klubb søger ny fuldtidstræner!


Kristiansand Badminton Klubb søger ny træner, gerne en dansker. De siger farvel til Lasse Nørgaard Frandsen!

“Kan dere hjelpe med å spre denne i sosiale medier? Vi søker primært en trener fra Danmark eller Sverige. Er det noen som kunne tenke seg et eventyr i Norge?

Søknadsfrist: 15. januar 2023”

Head Coach – Kristiansand Badminton Klubb (KBK)


Kristiansand Badminton Klubb (KBK) was founded in 1947 and is one of the largest badminton clubs in Norway, with a long history of top players and good results. We have won the Norwegian national team championships 23 times between 1984 and 2022. We have players at senior and junior national team level and many young talents.

The city of Kristiansand has more than 113.000 inhabitants and is situated on the south coast of Norway. The ferry to Denmark takes three hours and there are direct flights to Oslo, Copenhagen and Amsterdam.

We are looking for a new head coach with experience and proven results. The person we hire should be able to develop our best players to an international level, as well as taking care of new and upcoming talents. You must have good social intelligence and knowledge of badminton. If you speak one of the Scandinavian languages it is a plus, but English is also applicable. It is possible to combine the coaching job with playing at our elite team.

We offer:
Competitive terms and conditions
A well organized and social club
A good team of assisting coaches
Cooperation with Olympiatoppen Sør (National Olympic Organization, Southern region) and
Top Sport at Kristiansand Katedralskole Gimle (public high school) and Akademiet (private high school)
Percentage of employment: 80-100 %

Start: As soon as possible

Please send your application no later than January 15, 2023 to

For more information, please contact sports director Helene Abusdal (phone no. +47 91614166) or current head coach Lasse Nørgaard Frandsen (phone no. +45 25325875), visit our web page or check us out on Facebook and Instagram.

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