World Tour Finals 2022 flytter……


Så kom udmeldingen endelig fra BWF! Nyt sted og nye datoer for sæsonfinalerne, der flyttes fra Kina til Thailand og afvikles den 7.-11. december!


Tuesday 15 November 2022

“HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2022
Relocated to Bangkok

The Badminton World Federation (BWF) can announce that the HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2022 will no longer take place in Guangzhou, China.

The tournament has been relocated to Nimibutr Arena in Bangkok, Thailand and will run from 7-11 December – one week earlier than the scheduled dates for Guangzhou. This is due to stadium availability and a consequence of the change in location.

BWF in consultation with the Chinese Badminton Association (CBA) agreed to relocate the HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2022 due to the various challenges brought about by the current pandemic situation.

BWF would like to thank CBA, Guangzhou City Government, and Guangzhou Sports Bureau for their extraordinary work.

BWF would also like to thank the Badminton Association of Thailand for providing a replacement location for the HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2022 at such late notice.

The list of athletes qualified for the HSBC BWF World Tour Finals will be confirmed on 22 November after the conclusion of the SATHIO GROUP Australian Open 2022.”

Kalender • 2022 og 2023 (2024 😉)

                   ————— 2022 —————

▪️ Australian Open 15.-20. november 

▪️ AIG FZ FORZA Irish Open 16.-19. november. Dublin 

▪️ 🇩🇰Holdturneringen 19. november *

▪️ 🇩🇰Badmintonliga 22. november

▪️ New Zealand Open 22.-27 november AFLYST

▪️Welsh International 29. november – 3. december. Cardiff

▪️ VICTOR China Open 29. november – 4. december AFLYST

▪️ 🇩🇰Grand Prix  2.-4. december. Lillerød

▪️ Fuzhou China Open 6.-11. december AFLYST 

▪️ World Tour Finals 7.-11. december. Bangkok. Thailand

▪️ 🇩🇰Holdturneringen 10. december *

                   ————— 2023  —————

▪️ 🇩🇰Grand Prix 6.-8. januar. abc Aalborg

▪️ 🇩🇰Holdturneringen 14. januar *

▪️ 🇩🇰Holdturneringen 4. februar *

▪️ 🇩🇰Grand Prix 17.-19. februar. Viby J

▪️ 🇩🇰Badmintonliga 21. februar. 

▪️ 🇩🇰Badmintonliga 24. februar. 

▪️ 🇩🇰Holdturneringen 25. februar *

▪️ 🇩🇰Holdturneringen 11. marts *

▪️ 🇩🇰Grand Prix 17.-19. marts. Finale. Svendborg

▪️ 🇩🇰Holdturneringen 25. marts *

▪️ Repræsentantskabsmøde 1. april kl 10.00, Idrættens Hus, Brøndby

▪️ 🇩🇰Holdturneringen 15. april (kval.) *

▪️ 🇩🇰 FINAL 4 22.-23. april. Brøndby 

▪️ World Championships 21.-27. august 2023, Royal Arena, København 

                   ————— 2024  —————

▪️Olympic Games 27. juli – 5. august 2024, Arena Porte de la Chapelle, Paris 


* Gratis badminton i de danske klubber i hele Dronningeriget.

Badmintonbladet • Per Damkjær Juhl

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