On the road…


On the road to Jutland by ferry from Sjællands Odde (North of Zealand) to what should’ve been a festive global badminton week in Aarhus.

TUC20, Thomas and the Uber Cup 2020, the World Cup for men’s and women’s team badminton should originally have been held from May 16th – 24th, 2020.

How sad it is that the big world won’t come to our Queen’s kingdom this May, the peak of spring, when Marselisborg forest is light green, flowering, full of singing birds and other good nature sounds.

TUC20 was initially postponed to the 15th – 23rd of August, and then a second time to the 3rd – 11th of October, the week before DANISA Denmark Open 2020 in Odense.


Whether that plan holds, no one knows at this time. The spread and devastation of the virus is unpredictable, which results in a great deal of uncertainty and dampens everything and everyone on planet Earth.

So the vacation days were canceled.

Now we (two of my three children and I) are on a three-day mini-trip to Aarhus and Kolding to visit the very closest of our family, including my self-isolated 83-year-old father, who we unfortunately have to just see outside, maybe at Skamlingsbanken, with a proper distance between us.

I will have to ask for a vacation in October.

What a wild month it could be. 

The fall color palette is not a bad sight either!

”And times come / And times pass / And leaves / Their wounds” Dan Turèll

Per Damkjær Juhl

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