Is Denmark the favorite to win the Thomas Cup? The Badminton Experience Episode 8


Anders Antonsen recently moved to a new and bigger flat – in Copenhagen, luckily, but found “Mr Bearminton” for this new episode in all the mess!

ASY from Korea is the favorite player of AA. Surprise? Not really!

The favorite player of HKSV is…….. see the video!

“Sudirman Cup is over – and a packed calendar is coming up.

Next up is Thomas & Uber cup in Denmark! That, and much more in this 8th episode of the badminton experience!”


0:00 Introduction

3:36 Following up on Sudirman Cup

13:03 Shi Yuqi doing “an Anders Antonsen” and using his tactics?

26:40 Anders’ and HK’s favorite players on the tour

36:26 Thomas Cup – Who are the favorites?

44:14 – (listeners question) Did HK and Anders ever have an argument during/after practices or matches?

46:25 – (listeners question) How is diet necessary for every sport?

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