▪️Hans-Kristian Solberg Vittinghus on facebook:

“New podcast project with the one and only Anders Antonsen!
This one will feature regularly on his YouTube channel, but will also soon be released as audio podcast too. 🎧
First episode is out now! Link below or simply just search for Anders’ YouTube channel.
And don’t worry, A Year On Tour With Vittinghus is still going strong as well, but we can never have enough badminton podcasts out there, so I’m excited to host this new one along with Anders!
The Badminton Experience is here – Joe Rogan, watch out! 😅“
▪️Anders Antonsen on facebook:
“As badminton tournaments continuously play hard to get, I pick up different occupations and hobbies in order to entertain both myself and the badminton community.
Newest title to my name is ‘podcast host’. I have teamed up with my friend and colleague @hkvittinghus and together we will produce the only badminton podcast worth listening to… of course together with HK’s own ‘a year on tour with Vittinghus 😉’
Badminton is in our opinion a phenomenal sport in so many ways but also a sport that’s stuck in its old ways and there’s definitely room for improvements.
There’s a lot to discuss and talk about and we will try to get around everything.
This is probably a feature for the more hardcore badminton fans but nonetheless we aim high with a goal to reach 47 to 53 viewers/listeners per episode🤣
More importantly, I have a good excuse to spend more time with HK Vittinghus😅
Find it on my YouTube channel Anders Antonsen now, and soon wherever you listen to your podcasts. 🙌🏸”

Per Damkjær Juhl