Ny podcast fra Hans-Kristian Solberg Vittinghus • “A Year On Tour With Vittinghus”


Interview with Scott Evans.

Had a lot of fun doing my latest podcast episode with Scott Evans as my guest!

Scott is a 3-time Olympian and 8-time Irish men’s singles national champion!

In this episode he talks about:

  • What it’s like to move to a different country at the age of 16 to pursue your dream.
  • His biggest moments, just as he talks about the darker times and disappointments, that made his successes even more meaningful.
  • An experience Scott had where the atmosphere was crazier than anything he ever tried before (which does include playing in Istora Senayan)!
  • The pros and cons of coming from a small badminton nation, both in relation to his time as a player, but also how he can use it to his advantage now as a coach.

All this and much more in this hour-long episode.

Remember you can support the podcast on patreon.com/vittinghus.


Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6WBzHiyWE84VXppuvLoOOR


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