Personlige indtryk fra All England 2020.
Nadia & Amalie fra The Dream Team skriver dette lørdag aften fra deres hotel i Birmingham:
“Vi tog i hallen til første kamp hvor Viktor Axelsen skulle spille, vi fik plads på første række. Hvor Viktor vandt efter et tæt opgør.
Tilbage på hotellet tog vi en lur, da det pludselig bankede på døren og ind vadede en dame, men hun skyndte sig ud igen, da hun så os i spejlet.
Gåtur rundt i byen, inden vi igen skulle i hallen og se damesingle. Her var Security blevet strenge og vi skulle sidde på vores rigtige pladser.
Det blev Anders Antonsen tur, desværre blev han skadet i første sæt ved stillingen 17-14 efter et vrid i anklen.
Efter første kamp kunne man igen sætte sig hvor der var plads. Eller det gjorde vi ihvertfald.
Vi så resten af kampene og er nu tilbage på hotellet og slapper af”

Nadia & Amalie from The Dream Team write this Saturday night from their hotel in Birmingham:
“We went into the hall for the first match where Viktor Axelsen was to play. We got a place on the first row. Where Viktor won after a close showdown.
Back at the hotel we took a nap when it suddenly knocked on the door and in walked a lady, but she rushed out again when she saw us in the mirror.

We walked around in the city before going back into the hall and to see the ladies single. Here, Security had become strict and we had to sit in our right seats.
It was Anders Antonsen’s turn, unfortunately he was injured in the first set at the position 17-14 after a twist in the ankle.
After the first match you could sit again where there was space. Or at least we did it.

We saw the rest of the matches and are now back at the hotel and relaxing ”