EM • Torsdag • Kvartfinaler • LIVE • TV2 Sport


TV2 Sport LIVE

  • torsdag fra kl 16.30
  • fredag fra kl 16.00
  • lørdag fra kl 10.00


Twitter, @badmintoneropa :

“▪️QF – Men’s Singles

Misha Zilberman (ISR) is the only unseeded player left. Denmark and France have three players in the last 8 with Nhat Nguyen (IRL) complete the list.

Match to watch: Popov (FRA) vs Vittinghus (DEN).

▪️QF – Women’s Singles

Surprise is made by Qi Xuefei (FRA) who eliminated the 5th seed, Yvonne Li. Are we going to have a rematch of last year’s final tomorrow? 🔥🔥

Match to watch: Lianne Tan (BEL) vs Kirsty Gilmour (SCO).

▪️ QF – Men’s Doubles

Flaaten/Rikheim (NOR) took the advantage of the situation and, hey, one win away for a EBC medal! Attention to Bay/Molhede (DEN) as the only hope for Denmark’s tradition.

🔥: Delrue/Villeger (FRA) vs Lamsfuss/Seidel (GER).

▪️QF – Women’s Doubles

Lambert/Tran (FRA) shocked the 8th seed from Scotland and make sure that France have at least one representative on each disciplines!

🔥: Lambert/Tran (FRA) vs Fruergaard/Thygesen (DEN).

▪️QF – Mixed Doubles

The only discipline that provide NO SURPRISE so far 🔥🔥 Who’ll be the new champion of Mixed Doubles?

Match to watch: Tabeling/Piek (NED) vs Christiansen/Bøje (DEN)”.

Badmintonbladet.dk / Per Damkjær Juhl

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