Foto 1) Se link. OL bliver uden tilskuere. Smittetallene er stigende i Japan.

Foto 2) Indonesien er rejst til Japan i dag.

Foto 3) Leverdez træner. Bemærk hallen. Glas i væggene øverst oppe. Dvs sollys ind i hallen. Skævt loft. Sådan er hallerne i Frankrig. Jeg har spillet der i 8-9 år for Red Star Mulhouse❤️🙏🏻

I Danmark har vi fantastiske haller – ret fri adgang, mange steder et velfungerende cafeteria, uden sollys på banerne, ordentlige net, rene, velholdte, gode sanitære forhold, omklædningsrum, varmt vand, toiletsæder og -papir osv.
Værdsætter vi det i det daglige?
Nok ikke så meget som vi burde!🇩🇰🙏🏻

Photo 1) Check the link. The Olympics will be without spectators. Infection rates are rising in Japan.
Photo 2) Indonesia has traveled to Japan today.
Photo 3) Leverdez is training. Note the hall. Glass in the walls at the top. That means sunlight into the hall. Skewed ceiling. This is status of the badminton halls of France. I have been playing there for 8-9 years, representing Red Star Mulhouse ❤️🙏🏻
In Denmark we have fantastic halls – fairly free access, in many places a well-functioning cafeteria, without sunlight on the pitches, proper nets, clean, well-maintained, good sanitary conditions, changing rooms, hot water, toilet seats and paper, etc.
Do we value it in daily life?
Probably not as much as we should! 🇩🇰🙏🏻
Per Damkjær Juhl